Sandrider- Armada Review


112771Sandrider- Armada

Review by James Ballinger

Sandrider has always been a band that brings the fun, but lately it’s been tough times for fun music. Who wants to go out and try to have fun when there is all this injustice and complete bullshit going on in the world today? What’s the point? What’s the point of sitting around listening to a band that’s been the soundtrack to a million Rainier cans being cracked open across Seattle at shows, parties, barbecues, pre-funks, shower beers, etc? Why keep writing reviews about music when there are clearly more important things to do and write about? Fun times are fucking over. Dad went to go get a pack of smokes and is never coming home, and your world is crumbling down around you. Doomed. When will the cans crack open again?

If there ever was going to be a “Shhhh sweet child, everything is going to be all right” type record to come along, it might as well be from Sandrider. Their latest, Armada, is exactly that. It’s the perfect shot in the arm that we all so desperately need right now. Oh, it’s also serious business. Serious fun-fucking business.

Musically, Armada is still very much a Sandrider record through and through, so if you know what to expect you’ll surely get it. The record opener “Hollowed” crushes right out of the gate, then gives you that growling bass line snarl of a breakdown right when you need it to catch your breath. Then they pick up the tempo a little on “Industry”. The ending of “Creep” is sure to be a standout live moment, then it’s full Nirvana worship on the opening riff of “Banger” that proceeds into the catchiest ear-worm of a chorus you’ll ever get out of a heavy band. That’s just the first four songs. Overall the record is a more refined display that hits just about all those spots right when you want them. The album really never lets up, and it sounds incredible. Once again produced by Matt Bayles, Armada might be the best sounding Sandrider record yet.

In closing, Armada is another stellar record by the band, and another win for local label Good to Die. And if you listen quietly, you can still hear the Rainier cans cracking. All hail Sandrider.

You can order the record here, or purchase digitally at their bandcamp.

Don’t miss the record release show with Glose and Pink Parts this Saturday July 28th at the Crocodile!




